Friday, April 11, 2008

First Post


So, here I am starting a industry like blog?

Well, the idea came from an IGDA meeting I attended on teusday. Two speakers, Jason Della Rocca and Corvus Elrod. Corvus had an interesting suggestion for how to connect with the community,.. and let's face it, community is NOT my strong point ^_^

Anyway, he suggested blogging, and that is what I'm gonna do.

So, why Ethics of Madness? I originally thought some combination of cats, and games, and things like that.. but it is overdone. Next I thought 'For love of Evil', because Evil needs luffs. But madness. I'll spend an afternoon trying to figure out how vfork works when a shell script would take 5 minutes because it's interesting.

Granted it's interesting in the same way that 'hmmm, what can I learn from driving this corkscrew into my leg!' which is really a whole different blog. So that is the madness part. The ethics? Ahm... I'll figure that part out later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay new blog!